Living in various parts of Texas all my life and having nearly my entire family hail from the deep south, I’ve definitely had some issues with the summertime, also known down here as three-fourths of the year. The biggest challenge for me besides it just being plain hot is how to feel hot when the forecast of over 100 has me drenched in sweat. Hopefully in this blog I can explain how I’ve learned to address some of the issues that come with the weather on my campus, at my parent’s house, and anywhere else I may end up.
This is a co-authored blog, and the end of each post will be signed by either myself or my cohort, Mamie. She will introduce herself in her first post.
First of all, y’all, I’d to share the least exciting, but most important thing you must do to survive the heat looking decent. This may be a little self explanatory, but I can’t start a beauty blog without the most fundamental element.
That’s right. Water.
The number one problem with hot weather is dehydration. When you’re sweating so much, you lose too many fluids and your body will begin to retain water to compensate. Bloating. Is. Not. Fun. No matter what size you are -and that is something which absolutely does not define beauty- nobody likes the sensation of being puffy and not fitting into their jeans like they should.
Drinking enough water not only combats this, but flushes out impurities that would cause bloating even in a more moderate climate. In addition, water keeps your skin hydrated to avoid the dry flakiness that can come from drier air.
Most importantly, water keeps you healthy and going. I said that beauty could not be defined by size earlier. This is because I believe beauty to be defined by health. Therefore, I urge you to drink your full 8 glasses of water a day.
Side note: If you’re in college, I suggest you buy a cute water bottle to tote around school. They have some nice ones at Target and you can even get them with filters. This way you can fill up at the water fountain and not have to worry about paying for plastic bottles and it’s easier on the environment.
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